Babyproofing is one of those words that you mention among parenting peers that always get that sympathetic nod of mutual understanding. Some people take the bull by the horns and babyproof their entire house at the dawning of the third trimester- I don't actually recommend this because that babyproof houdini toilet lock is a pregnant bladder's nememsis. Some people wait and buy all the babyproofing equipment after the first accident occurs which seems to defeat the purpose in my opinion. My husband and I fall into the thirs category 'do what you can when it seems necessary'. At the first sign of imminent crawling we went out and bought everything we could foreseeably need as our daughter gets more mobile. Things like baby gates and outlet covers were added right away. We also bought what I will call 'World's Best Thing Ever' a play yard. Not a play yard like a play pen no this is more like a kennel.
TIP- originally we bought ours at a well known baby speciality store but then I found it for 25 bucks cheaper in the pet section of our equally well known hardware store.
The brand is the name but one sold at the baby store featured a baby on the box whereas cheaper pet one showed a dog- eh when it comes down to it really what is the difference between a dog and a baby? We also bought such essentials like a stove guard and a fridge lock. Right now she is too short to reach either so those are packed away.
Now I am very fortunate in that I have the time to be able to follow my baby around and see what types of things need babyproofing. This is a full time job in and of itself. So I go around seeing all the drawers, cabinets and doors she can open and I put little yellow post-its on them- both as a reminder for me as well as a 'to do' for my husband. Genius me apparently could not predict that Ava would be even more attracted to the drawers, cabinets and doors now that there are bright yellow post-its on them. Now I have a baby covered in post-its and no convenient 'to do' markers for my husband.
Baby proofing fail.