Well like everything else in life practice makes perfect... pee tests are no exception. Although I will admit after an embarrassing number of attempts to pee in the exact right location on really the tiniest target in the world I switched to the cup with an eye dropper...
ok so despite the promise of results "5 days before your missed period" I had only gotten negative or just completely wacky results, but now my period was 12 hours late...SURELY a test would work NOW. No once again modern science had disappointed me. The test was negative. My husband assured me that it was too soon to be disappointed, but the truth was we both were very disappointed.. after all the test said 93% percent accuracy on the day of your missed period. We were battling against 7%.... The hardest part is until that period actually comes there is a tiny little part of you hoping that your "Aunt Flo" never shows up and thinking its entirely possible that you are, in fact, pregnant. What is even harder is for you to act like you are pregnant- I still had no definite proof (screw you scientific test!) that I wasn't so how could I in good conscience drink or eat anything that could be harmful. By the way there is nothing like a negative pregnancy test to make you want a margarita. I remember feeling this way in college too, but for very different reasons.. ;)
So we waited for what we thought was the inevitable.. 5 days later I had still no period so we decided to test again. By now I had really mastered the art of the pee test. We waited the required 5 minutes and walked to the bathroom with significantly less enthusiasm than usual. The test results could really only be described as "maybe". There was the faintest pink dot on the positive side of the test. Perhaps some of the dye had leaked over? It certainly wasn't a line even a faint line...you almost needed a magnifying glass to see it. Ok at this point seriously?! what does that even mean?! A dot? Now its one thing to get the negative result be disappointed and throw the test away... its an entirely different to take the test AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE RESULT IS? At this point my sweet but dense husband made a joke; "obviously we will just have to wait a couple months just like your bar results". I wasn't amused. He went to work. I googled "pregnancy test faint dot" Google is great for a number of things but reassurance is not one of them. So we waited either for the elusive period or a clearer result.
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