In every marriage there is that discussion. When do we just give in to the nagging pressure from friends and family to have kids and just get it over with? My husband and I knew we wanted kids- not as much as everyone else wanted us to have kids- but it was in the future for us. Now for most people its a decision made after some introspection and probably a far too idealized conversation, but with two people with a combined 6 degrees from post secondary education- this would require charts and graphs and quite possibly a powerpoint presentation. So back and forth we went weighing the pros (babies are cute, the process is fun, I'm really sick of answering 'when are you guys going to have kids?') and the cons (unlike shoes you apparently cannot return babies without some involvement by the state).
Then the inevitable happened- our friends began procreating with a speed that would impress most rabbits. Suddenly we were surrounded by babies and pregnant glowing women who gushed about the joys of pregnancy. We were like the poor isolated sick zebra that gets ambushed by the pack of hyenas.. totally helpless.. I should have just waved my pack of birth control pills in surrender then and there. Alas, I had a pesky thing on my mind... the Bar Exam. Even if we had decided to have children, the Bar adequately took care of any desire to do anything that would lead to children.. so to the back burner the kid discussion went.
Enter my friend, M who despite not being part of this pregnant posse, turned out to be quite the little hyena herself....
:) :) :)