Saturday, November 20, 2010

What the hell is that smell?!

Growing up I always fantasized about having various super powers. When I was really little I wanted to fly mostly because my older brother and sister found it hilarious to hold stuff way over my head so I couldn't reach it. During my shy and timid years I often wanted to be invisible so people wouldn't notice me- I obviously grew out of this rather quickly to become the attention whore I am now. While reading King Midas and the Golden touch I desperately wanted to be able to turn what I touch into gold- I came to my senses at the end of the book after he turns his daughter into gold. Super strength, super speed, I could imagine all sorts of fantastic things I could do if only I had these powers. I never knew that becoming pregnant would grant me a superhuman ability to smell. *
I heard that preggos had sensitive noses, but my god I feel like a freaking bloodhound. If this law degree thing doesn't work out perhaps I could explore a career sniffing people for airport security. (I suspect I would be more effective at sniffing out contraband sausage and cheese than drugs and bombs since I have no idea what a bomb smells like, but thats part of a learning curve). Not to mention the cases of missing people me and my fantastic olifactory sense could solve... the possibilities are endless
Like the superheros in the comic books I too suffer because of my abilities. The downside of my newfound superpower is that people smell.. bad or just too much. Smoke is my kryptonite.. a strongly perfumed woman is my personal Green Goblin. (Being a girl who never read comics I am now out of comic book references) The biggest problem is unlike superman who just loses his strength in the face of his kryptonite I actually get physically sick from mine. The simple act of photocoping the papers of a client who smoked while filling them out is enough to send me headfirst into the toilet... this is considerably inconvenient as no one in my office is yet aware of my present condition...

*To be fair, some people reading this might say that I always had a good nose- I could smell a fresh pizza delivery from 100 yards away sometimes even being able to identify where the pizza was from. To put it in perspective for those of you- now I could probably identify the different toppings...

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